

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Introduction to Python Programming

What is python?

Python is an object oriented programming language. It is easy to understand and a high level language. Python was developed by  Guido Van Rossum” .  
Python Programming Tutorial

Statements in Python language: like the other languages python also included if statement, while loop, for loop, do while loop, continue statement , pass statement , break statement etc.
Use of python : python is used for web development, software development, system scripting.
Creation of a variable in python: to create a variable  python doesn’t have any command.

EXAMPLE for creating a variable :
x = 5

Simple example of python program :

x = 4 # x is of type int
x = "Sally" # x is now of type str

Operators in python : Python has some operators like the other languages. And these are as follows-
1.)    Arithmetic operators :  these  are the operators by which we can do the arithmetic operations. These operators are –
a.)    addition (+)
Example : a+b;
b.)    Subtraction :  (-)
Example : a-b;
c.)     Multiplication:  (*)
Example: a*b;
d.)    Division  (/)
Example : a/b;
e.)    Modulus : (%)
Example : a%b;
f.)     Exponentiation (**)
Example : a**b;
g.)    Floor division (//)
Example : a//b;
2.)    Assignment operator:  with the use of these operators we can assign the values.
a.)    = 
Example: x=a;
b.)    +=
Example : x=x+a;
c.)     -=  
Example : x=x-a;
d.)    *=
Example : x=x*a;
e.)    /=
Example : x=x/a;
f.)     %=
g.)    //=
Example : x=x//a;
h.)    **=
Example : x=x**a;
i.)      &=
Example : x=x&a;
j.)       |=
Example : x=x|a;
k.)    ^=
Example : x=x^a;
l.)      >>=
Example : x=x>>a;
       j.)     <<=
               Example : x=x<<a;
3.)    Comparison  operator : with the help of these operator we can compare the values.
a.)     Equal (==)  example: a==b;
b.)    Not equal (!=)  example: a!=b;
c.)     Greater then (>)  example: a>b;
d.)    Less then (<)  example: a<b;
e.)    Greater then or equals to (>=)  example : a>=b;
f.)     Less then or equals to (<=)  example : a<=b;
4.)    Logical operators : are the operators which help to combine the conditional statement.
a.)    And :  it returns true if both conditions are true.
Example:  x>a and x<b;
b.)    OR : it returns true if one of the statement is true.
Example : x>a or x<b;
c.)     Not : it reverse the result.
Example : x>a not x<b;
5.)    Identity operators:  these operators are used to compare the object. If they have the same object.
a.)    Is :  it returns true if both variables have the same object.
Example : x is y;
b.)    Is not : if both variable have the same object.
Example : x is not y;
6.)    Membership operator : are the operators tests  if a sequence presented in an object.
a.)    In : Example: a in b;
b.)    Not in : a not in b;
7.)    Bitwise operators : are used to compare binary numbers.
These are as follows

               AND,OR,XOR ,NOT,Zero fill left shift, and Signed right shift.

Monday, September 10, 2018

A Beginners Guide to Blockchain Technology

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is one of the most promising innovations in cybersecurity. ensures that data is 100% trustworthy. Originating from the mind of an unknown creator using the pseudonymous name, Satoshi Nakamoto, blockchain was initially adopted in 2008 to enable the digital currency, Bitcoin.
Just in case you have never heard of this before, Blockchain is what powers the crypto-currencies, like the Bitcoin. While Bitcoin has been a hotly debated topic around the globe, its widespread popularity has largely been because of its involvement with money. But in case you think that Bitcoin is in itself a revolutionary technology, you are wrong on many levels. Primarily because it is not Bitcoin that translates into a ‘path-breaking technology’ but Blockchain.

In essence, Bitcoin is a very small, but an important application of the Blockchain technology. Bitcoin is not Blockchain. The blockchain is now unveiling its potential to the world, exhibiting promise in many different services and industries.

A blockchain consists of a single block that is replicated and continuously updated across many different computer servers. Because there are many copies of the block, no single party can alter its contents, rather the block must be updated with all servers agreeing on the transaction. This makes fraud nearly impossible and makes a blockchain a secure and transparent method of facilitating online transactions. The data in the blockchain is a collection of all chronological transactions, with no transaction ever forgotten. The copies of the blockchain are stored identically and sequentially on many computers, known as nodes, worldwide. The traffic between nodes is encrypted.
In an interview with the Director of IBM Blockchain Labs, Nitin Gaur gave a description of blockchain technology and its potential: “We are trying to address the problem of time and trust. ...Blockchain to me is the value of back and forth [with] an implied sense of trust ...which enables faster transfer speed.” By building a network that contains trust, blockchain eliminates the need to verify, which facilitates a faster, better and cheaper way to transfer value.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Beginners Guide to Apache Ant Tutorial Step by Step

Introduction to Apache Ant Tutorial

Ant stands for "Another Neat Tool". It is a general purpose build tool. This build tool is based on java from Apache Software Foundation. Apache Ant's build files are written in XML and they take benefit of being an open standard, portable and easy to learn.

Apache Ant Tutorial

What is Apache Ant?

Ant was the first build tool, the reason to build this tool is that created for building Java applications. It is used for building and deploying Java projects but can be used for every feasible repeated task, e.g. generating documentation.

Ant is a cross-platformed and open source project which provides source code, blueprints, and documentation freely available to all the developers. And it provides the facility to users to extend the project by creating their own “antlibs”. Immediately, it became popular as a build tool between Java developers. Ant was created because of a number of problems with Unix's and it was a good replacement for the "Make" build tool of Unix. It included with most modern IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Net Beans.

The main difference between Ant and Make is that Ant uses the XML file to define the code build process and its dependencies, On the other hand, Make uses the Makefile format. The XML file is named build.xml by default.

Ant was designed by James Duncan Davidson (also the author of Apache Tomcat) and was released as a stand-alone product in July 2000. When he was working in Sun Microsystems for creating JSP and Servlet engine, Apache Tomcat was created before Ant. Apache ANT is a very powerful build tool it can deploy easily, integrates with the database and provide help in email & sound notifications of the building project.

Features of Apache Ant:

There are many Features of Apache Ant are as follow:
  1. Ant is the complete Java build and deployment tool and can compile Java-based applications.
  2. Ant is a platform-independent build tool and can handle platform specific properties such as file separators. The only demand for this build tool is JDK.
  3. Ant can easily create war, jar, zip, tar files and gives an interface to develop custom tasks.
  4. Ant can copy files to at different locations and can easily delete or move files from one location to another.
  5. This build tool provides a broad range of tasks that fulfills all the build requirements of the user.
  6. Ant build tool is written in Java and the source code is freely available, and it provides the facility to users to extend the project by creating their own “antlibs”.
  7. Ant is easy to learn because its scripts are written using plain XML. You can learn quickly if you already know little about XML.
  8. Ant can easily integrate with free and commercial IDEs it can be simply invoked from the command line.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

What is SERP in SEO?

What Does SERP Means?

Search Engine Results Page is the Full Form of SERP. SERP is a Page display by Search Engine.  Another way a list results display on the page by any search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, Baidu etc.
What is SERP in SEO?

For example : If you are searching a query on any Search Engine so Search Engine display a results related to your query on this page that is called SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

SERP Contains three types of Results : 
  1. Paid Results : Paid Results are those results which are comes from Search Engine Marketing (SEM) like as Google Ads.                                                                                               
    Difference between Organic Results and Paid results
  2. Organic Results : Organic search is based on unpaid, natural rankings determined by search engine algorithms, and can be optimized with various SEO practices. In contrast, paid search allows you to pay to have your website displayed on the search engine results page when someone types in specific keywords or phrases. The fee you pay is based on either clicks or views of your ads.                                                       
  3. Business Listing: Get your free business listing on Google My Business to start building visibility in Google Maps and Google Search in your local community.
Google Business Listing

Saturday, July 28, 2018

SEO Tutorial for Beginners

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ?

Search Engine Optimization is the Full form of SEO. Basically, SEO is one kind of Internet Marketing Strategy; it will help a website to rank higher in search engine result pages.

SEO is a process to Optimize the Website to improve the Websites SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Rankings. It's often referred to as "Organic", "Natural", or "Free" results.

seo tutorial for beginners | what is seo

SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine. SEO is typically a set of "white hat" best practices that webmasters and Web content producers follow to help them achieve a better ranking in search engine results.

SEO includes On-Page & Off-Page activities to increase search ranking. 

On-Page SEO means optimization over your own Website. 
Off-Page SEO means optimization over external websites which links to your Website.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Getting started with Android

What is Android?

Android is a Mobile Operating system. It is Most  Popular Linux-based mobile phone operating system. It  is developed by Google. It is a open Source software. Initially founded by Andy Rubin in October 2003 and later acquired by Google on August 17, 2005.

what is android?
Image Credit : Google
Android offers a unified approach to application development for mobile devices which means developers need only develop for Android, and their applications should be able to run on different devices powered by Android.

The first beta version of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) was released by Google in 2007 where as the first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008.

The Android OS consists of numerous Java applications and Java core libraries running under the Java-based object oriented application framework and the dalvik virtual machine in android. Dalvik is integral for the Android to run in mobile devices as these systems are constrained in terms of processor speed and memory.

The Android software itself is developed in conjunction with Google, who releases major updates to the platform every year. Manufacturers which run Android on their phones include Samsung, Huawei, Sony, Lenovo, HTC, LG and many others; it's currently operational on more than one billion devices.

Features of Android      

Features of Android
Image Credit : Google

·         Simple UI
·         Connectivity
·         Messaging
·         Media Support
·         Multi-tasting
·         Multi Language
·         Wi-Fi Support
·         Android Beam
·         Bluetooth
·         Calling
·         GSM Technology
·         Snapshot

·         Tethering

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Introduction to SQLite

Android SQLite Database Tutorial

SQLite is a reliable and fully featured, SQL database engine. It is a light weight relational database management system in terms of setup and required resource.

It is an embedded database software that stores local/client in application software. Unlike other databases, SQLite doesn't require any configuration. Thus, it is a zero-configured database.

sqlite android database

Applications of SQLite

Some applications that uses SQLite are as follows:
  • Adobe
  • Apple
  • Bosch
  • McAfee
  • Skype

Advantages of SQLite

There are 5 advantages of SQLite are as given Below:
  • Serverless - It doesn't required server to access the database files.
  • Common table expression - SQLite supports common table expression that represents temporary named result set.
  • Portable - It's applications can be used in all operating systems.
  • Light weight - It is light weight database, so it can be used easily with various devices.
  • Public Domain - The source code of SQLite is in public domain that puts down the claim of any copyright.

Disadvantages of SQLite

  • Limited access of database – In most cases, the size of database is restricted up to 2 GB.
  • Unsupportive for Multi-user application – The performance of SQLite degrades when same database is accessed by multiple clients simultaneously.  

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Introduction to MySQL

What is MySQL?

MySQL is world's most popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS). It provides secure and effective way to manage your database applications.
What is mysql

MySQL is developed and supported by Oracle. It is an important component of web application software stack known as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python).

Applications of MySQL

Some applications that uses MySQL are as follows:
  • Joomla
  • YouTube
  • Google
  • facebook
  • Twitter

Advantages of MySQL

Some advantages of MySQL are as follows:
  • Open source – MySQL comes under open source license. So, it is free to use.
  • Cross-platform- It consists of simple and robust pre-defined commands.
  • Support Unicode It supports Unicode standard to express world's most languages. 
  • Cache query  It stores the cache data to serve future requests faster.

Disadvantage of MySQL

Some disadvantages of MySQL are as follows:
  • Degradation of performance- The performance of MySQL degrades when it deals with large size data.
  • Stability issue- Still, MySQL is not capable to handle certain functions such as transactions and auditing.
  • Hard to scale – It faces problem to handle lot of operations simultaneously.